One Does Not Simply Choose a Push Putting Putter
Pursuing the Perfect Push Putting Putter from Imgflip Meme Generator That's right, I've been on a journey pursuing the perfect push putting putter for putting the putting putter where the putting putter belongs. See what I did there? Say that 10 times fast. from Imgflip Meme Generator Enough with the memes, what's the story? The struggle is real... Putting was always something I struggled with. I began with an Innova Aviar , just like most people probably did, because it's what came in the Innova Starter Set . I then briefly switched to the Kastaplast Reko after participating in one of the Kastaplast Bingo Blast events and finally landed on the Discraft Challenger for a while after winning one as a CTP prize. I had thought the Challenger was the right putter for me so I had even bought a stack of 10 of them to practice with only to sell them off later on and switch to the Innova Colt when I had decided to switch to throwing all Innova discs (those were dark time...