
Showing posts from December, 2021

Top 5 Tips and Tricks That Have Made Me a Better Disc Golfer

Top 5 Tips and Tricks That Have Made Me a Better Disc Golfer Here's a quick list of my top 5 things I have done to improve my disc golf game and skills. I will be making detailed individual posts for each of the top 5 items on my list. Slow down your run up Focus on reaching OUT and BACK, not just reaching back (happens more naturally when turning your hips away from the target) Don't try too hard Learn your discs / Don't frequently change molds in and out of your bag Putting is VERY important (for scoring)

My Disc Golf Journey (Old Entries)

Prior to making this blog, I used to keep track of my "journey" of learning how to play disc golf. Here are several entries I made in chronological order (oldest to newest) on one page. Hopefully someone can find helpful bits and pieces of information from my learning. June 18th, 2018 Part 1 So after doing a bit more reading and examining, I've discovered that my form definitely needs work (I already knew this). The largest discovery I made though was the fact that I'm performing my reach-back too early. I need to do the reach-back at a later point in my walking maneuver. I noticed today while practicing a bit in the gym that I am reaching back during my X-step and instead should be reaching back as I begin to move out of my X-step. I gained this knowledge by visiting this link… And this image in particular… Lead card driving at EO2013 As well as this YouTube clip… Disc